Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer Adventures: A Trip to Canada

On July 7th, my family and I departed for Canada, making a stop for the night at a hotel in Grand Rapids. The next morning we made our way to London, Ontario to have lunch with my mom's high school friend. Then we drove for another hour and arrived in Brantford where we stayed for the rest of the week. While there, we were staying at Lisa's, another childhood friend of my mom's, house. On Monday, we visited some relatives of my mom, Linda and Bob Cuthbert, then went to see some old friends from Spain for lunch. On Tuesday, we drove to Toronto where we visited Toronto Island with some missionary friends. Wednesday morning, we went to visit Bob and Linda again then went swimming at my mom's relatives' house. Our last day in Canada was Thursday when we went to see Niagara Falls. When we came back we went swimming at Lisa's parents' house where we met their cat family, Princess the mother of Oreo, Cookie, Cupcake, Muffin, another kitten named Bagheera the son of Lucky(whom we didn't see), and another cat named Simba. On Friday we departed for Chicago where we started making preparations for moving to a new house. 
 CN Tower
 Toronto Island
 Toronto Skyline
 Niagara Falls




Sunday, April 8, 2012

A New Start

Lots of things have been going on lately. I am now attending a high school called Rickover Naval Academy. And no, I'm not thinking about joining the navy. It's a college prep school with many opportunities. So far I have been able to visit three colleges, join the school's book club, and make good friends. Today is Easter and the last week of my spring break. After today, there will be two and a half months left of school when I will have successfully completed my freshman year of high school. Then next year I'll be able to have a new start in school. A new start with new opportunities and new friends. Just like Easter. It's the day of making a new start in your life. The day when things spring back to life again. And it's all because of the love of God. In him, we are able to start again. That's why Easter is an important day to me. Because of the great love of God, I am able to start all over again.